Wednesday, August 10, 2011

You Are Cordially Invited To

Let's talk about invitations. We could talk about the fun stuff: custom stamps, pretty designs, and even wax seals.

Nope. Not today my friends. Today we are going to talk the hard stuff.

We're going to talk POLITICS. Scary, I know.

Who do you invite? What about your mother's cousin's aunt from the reunion? What about your 7th grade English teach that actually made a difference in your life but that you don't really talk to anymore?

Oh yeah...and those weird relatives or the ones you don't really like.  Considering that we're having a wedding in NY and a reception back home in Ohio, how did we chose?

Rock Paper Scissors.
We did what any normal adults would do! Rock Paper Scissors!  Just joking! First of all, our limit was 75 at the max.  We can't afford more than that for food and most importantly, we have capacity issues (we are in NY after all!)

It was family first, then friends.  In the family section, it was immediate family only.  As much as we love you all, we know that not everyone call fly out to NY for a long weekend.  Next are the friends.  Of course there are friends from work, friends from school, and friends from 'how do I know you again.' At the end of the day again, we only have so much money and space.  Believe me, this process is neither fun nor easy.

One of my best tips is *drum roll* EXCEL! I love organization and crossing things off lists.  For your spreadsheet, you should have the following columns:

Save the Date Sent (Yes or No)
Invite Sent (Yes or No)
Thank you card Sent (Yes or No)

This will cover your bases and leave you without the hassle of looking up addresses at every turn.  Now just to actually find a great cost efficient, DIY invite....

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes wedding politics. It always works out beautifully in the end. Xxxx
